Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Survey Analysis

What did the survey reveal? What was good and bad about your presentation? What did you learn from the survey results? What will you do differently with your next presentation?

The results of my survey revealed that the power point presentation was engaging and the content of the presentation was helpful. In regards to second life and screencast, the survey revealed that navigating second life and screen cast was somewhat difficult. The survey revealed that the preferred training method was split between virtual reality and blended method. The respondents agreed that VR and simulation enhanced learning and that using technology to learn a new skill was important. Neither of the respondents were eager in wanting to use second life as a teaching tool. In regards to the respondents comfort level in using technology, the survey revealed that they were comfortable in using technology.

If I were to change anything in my next presentation, I would probably add a short video clip to make it more engaging and maybe add a few multiple choice questions to make the presentation more interactive and I would elaborate more on the content being presented.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl,

    You have stated that you will add a few multiple choice questions in your next presentation. According to Brookhart (2015), multiple choice questions observes a set of standards, it is inquiring or pointing out a direct questions which is clear, non-textbook language that is simple and not complicated and the response options are all reasonable answers, organized as logically as possible.


    Brookhart, S. M. (2015). Making the most of multiple choice. Educational Leadership, 73(1), 36.
