Saturday, December 12, 2015

MN531 U5 Educational Technology Survey


Web-based surveys are becoming more popular due to their quick, low-cost, flexible way of obtaining the views of a study sample. They are useful in assessing opinions and views in business, commerce and education. There is almost no cost involved in the use of online survey tools and they can be embedded within social media sites, placed into websites and included in emailed links. An example of a web-based survey is the Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey is a very popular and well known survey tool that ranks highly on search engines. The basic package which is free offers the subscriber 10 questions per survey with a maximum number of 100 responses. It also provides examples of survey formats from a pre-installed library (Phillips, 2015).

Survey Monkey is an interactive site that can be used to set up questionnaires that offer a variety of responses using drop down menus and yes/no responses. Tutorials and information sheets are provided for those new to the site and services. This online web survey is also a great tool to use to conduct health research with appropriate ethical approval (Waclawski, 2012).



Phillips, A. (2015). OH research: How to conduct surveys. Occupational Health, 67(1), 27-30.

Waclawski, E. (2012). How I use it: Survey Monkey. Occupational Medicine (Oxford, England), 62(6), 477. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqs075


  1. Hi Cheryl,

    I think you did great with your power point presentation, you were able to present the message distinctly. Your speaker notes facilitated the understanding of the slides and materials. According to Gates Corbett (2013) the capability to present message effectively shapes the ability to impact others, involve and motivate lasting change, and display the skills. Adding visuals-illustrations, pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables and the like-to presentations assists the viewers to perceive the message and when they perceived the message, viewers comprehend the message with more clarity (Gates Corbett, 2015).


    Gates Corbett, W. (2015). See your Point. TD: Talent Development, 69(5), 64.

  2. Hi Cheryl

    I find the qualities of your survey questions good. The questions can elicit truthful responses and it is non threatening. Great job!
