Wednesday, January 6, 2016

MN531 U7 Blog 2: Implications of Information Technology for Evidence-Based Practice

Evaluate two implications of information technology on evidence-based practice.
Retrieve and read the following article from the Kaplan University Library:

·         Matter, S. (2006). Empower nurses with evidence-based knowledge. Nursing Management, 37(12), 34–37.
Identify two ways evidence-based practice is used in your institution. Using the processes described in the article, evaluate how information technology impacts your use of EBP. What are two implications of using technology? How can it be improved?


Evidence-Based Practice at my Organization

The evidence-based practices used in my organization include the use of Healthwise and Care Considerations alerts.  Healthwise is a global provider of health information with over 65 years of experience in developing health education that is evidence-based and used to promote behavioral change in making better decisions about health (Healthwise, 2016). Care Considerations are alert driven notifications sent to healthcare providers and communicated to patients regarding pertinent health information generated from patient data such as claims, labs, pharmacy and PHRs including diagnoses that is compared to evidence-based guidelines to identify potential lapses in care (UBM, 2015).

Evaluate how Information Technology Impacts use of EBP

Information technology provides automated access to EBP data related to the patient’s health condition or medication use in order to provide education to promote and support self-healthcare management.  Information on specific conditions and medications can be generated into a brochure that is sent to the patient via email, mail or sent to their health portal for immediate access.

Two Implications of using Technology

Two implications to using technology involves how the design, content and delivery of health information is presented in the educational brochures sent to patients.  Technology can also be used to enhance the nurse’s knowledge base in making informed decisions and improve critical thinking processes in providing care (Matter, 2006).

How can it be improved?

To improve the overall process of how EBP is used in my organization it would be beneficial to engage and gather input from the nurses in the development and design phases of content to maintain a solid framework in enhancing knowledge and improving access to best evidence in providing safe patient care (Matter, 2006).



About Healthwise. (2016). Retrieved from Healthwise, Incorporated:

Aetna to electronically deliver care alerts. (2015). Retrieved from Insurance & Technology:

Matter, S. (2006). Empower nurses with evidence-based knowledge. Nursing Management, 37(12), 34-37.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl,

    I do agree that it would be advantageous to engage and gather input from the nurses in the development and the design phases of EBP. Titler (2008) mentioned that methods that seem to have an affirmative influence on improving utilization of EBPs includes audit and feedback, use of clinical reminders and practice prompts, opinion leaders, change champions, interactive education, mass media, educational outreach/academic detailing, and characteristics of the context of care delivery.


    Titler, M. G. (2008) The evidence for evidence-based practice implementation. Retrieved from:
